Physio Project Ad


Currently seeking undergraduate RAs for a new study! The study uses questionnaires, behavioral tasks, and psychophysiological measures to examine the impact cultural orientation has on stress and cognition in Chinese-American undergraduate students. RAs will gain experience in project management, psychophysiology methods, R software, and Qualtrics. This study is part of the Zhou Family and Culture lab.

Responsibilities will include, but are not limited to:

  • Conducting pilot testing of psychophysiology protocol in Summer 2019 (including placement of electrodes, data acquisition)
  • Scheduling research participants and assisting in study coordination
  • Collecting data by running research participants in Fall 2019 (including administering behavioral task, questionnaires, and psychophysiology protocol)
  • Assisting in literature reviews
  • Analyzing questionnaire data using R
  • Cleaning and scoring psychophysiology data using MindWare
  • Attending regularly scheduled team meetings 

Required Qualifications:

  • Availability during summer months on-site in Berkeley (June, July, August – can be flexible but averaging 4 hours/week)
  • Attendance at a mandatory study training in summer (~4 hours long)
  • Availability on-site in Berkeley during the 2019-2020 academic school year

Recommended Qualifications: 

  • Research Methods course, Intro Psychology course
  • Interest in psychology, biology, or related field
  • Previous R experience or familiarity is a bonus
  • Students with Chinese language skills are particularly encouraged to apply


  • Learn new software (R, MindWare, Qualtrics) and hardware (BIOPAC systems)
  • Hands-on experience in data collection and study coordination
  • Participation in Dr. Qing Zhou Family and Culture lab events and resources
  • Possibility of continuing on as an RA in future physio projects

Application Process:

Email graduate student Stephanie Haft ( with the subject line “CECC RA Application” and attach your CV/resume and a brief email message (3-4 sentences) expressing your interest. Interested persons should apply by Fri 4/19. Applicants will be contacted for a brief interview.